College Search and Post-Secondary Planning

Planning for life after Shikellamy can be exciting…whether a student’s plans require a lot of work or a little…this section of our website is intended to provide families with the resources they will need to make that plan… we strongly encourage you to work in conjunction with your school counselor as the plan evolves.

While many Shikellamy students go to a four year college, we recognize and value a large variety of career aspirations for our graduates. Our goal is for Shikellamy students to find a productive career that inspires them on a daily basis. A first step toward this after high school could entail college, trade school, military, or a “gap” year, for example. We devote an entire section to the college planning process, but the links below intend to meet the needs of every graduate.

Most college-bound students can get all of their Internet research needs met at this page: is a great sight for parents and students looking for information about choosing careers, looking for colleges, applying to colleges,and paying for college.

Applying for College

Step 1:  Students should utilize resources in the Guidance office and on the Internet to determine the schools to which they want to apply. Students need to pay attention to the deadlines for the application.  Students should make a checklist of the items needed to submit in the college application.  Once a checklist of the items needed is made,students should ***COMPLETE ***the college application and send to the colleges of your choice.  You can send your application and then move on to Steps 2 and 3.

Step 2:  Complete the College Application Form available in the Guidance office or from the Importance Form tab.  The processing of student transcripts will take about five days so be aware of application deadlines.  Hand in the College Application Information Form in the Guidance office.

Step 3:  Most colleges and universities require letters of recommendation from teachers or your guidance counselor.  Complete the Recommendation Form and submit to your guidance counselor and to teachers who you believe can represent and describe your strengths to a college.  The Recommendation Form is available in the Guidance office or on the Guidance website. Teachers will send the letter of recommendation to the guidance office.  Be sure to give teachers several weeks to complete your recommendation letter. Your transcripts and letters of recommendations will be sent to the colleges of your choice.

Former students who need a formal recommendation submitted to a college or technical school should complete the form and submit to the teachers and guidance counselor for the completion of a recommendation letter.

Alumni Transcript Request Form